1. Heritage adaption for a tourist use
Adaption of the environment (Valtajeros)
St Peter Apostle’s Church (Cerbón)
Route of Fuentes (Fuentes de Magaña)
St Mary's Church (Yanguas)
2. Interpretation centres network
Paso del Fuego, Walking over the fire (San Pedro Manrique)
Hollywoods and brochs (Castilfrío)
Old School Training Room (Vizmanos)
Cidacos River (Los Campos)
Shepherds’ Museum (Oncala)
Exhibition Hall (Santa Cruz de Yanguas)
Traditional building (Valdeprado)
Alhama River and its tributaries (Magaña)
Initiatives Centre (Villar del Río)
Museological Project
3. Creation of routes
Alhama River
Abandoned villages along the Linares River
4. Signposting and Accessibility Program
Tourist signposting of the region
Accessibility consultancy
5. Training and Public Awareness Program
Activities to raise awareness of the plan
Application of the MACT (manual of approaching to tourist quality)
6. Promotion and Marketing Program
Manual of the corporate image
Website of the region
Attendance at INTUR 2007
Eastern holiday package2008
Broadcasting of the “Paso del Fuego” (Walking over the fire)
Promotion EXPO
General brochure of the Plan
Autumn in the Highlands 2008
Attendance at INTUR 2008
Promotion at FITUR 2009
Attendance at Barcelona Degusta 2009
Ichnites Symposium
Development of each proceedings:
St Mary’s Church (Yanguas);
second annuity.
The proceedings have a total investment of 382,800 €. In order to develop it, an agreement has been signed among Fundación del Patrimonio Histórico de Castilla y León (287,100 €), the Development Plan (60,000 €) and St Mary’s parish church (35,700 €)
Interpretation Centre “El Paso del Fuego” (Walking over the fire);
first annuity.
The Interpretation Centre has an estimate investment of 300,000 €.
It is been divided in two stages. The first one (142,350 €) is to be developed by the Tourist Development Plan of the Highlands. The second one has not been assigned yet.
Interpretation Centre the Hollywoods and the Brochs (Castilfrío)
It is cofinanced by the Town Council of Castilfrío (38,800€) and the Development Plan (65,000 €) that makes a total amount of 103,800 €. It pretends to arise the value of hollywood in Soria and the culture of the brochs.
Training Room (Vizmanos)
A total investment of 83,000€ cofinanced by the Town Council of Vizmanos (30,000€) and the Development Plan (63,000 €). In this facility there will be held training courses on tourism and it will also be an exhibition hall of the resources of the Highlands.
Interpretation Centre of the Cidacos River;
second annuity.
The budget of the Development Plan for this project is 55,000€.
The source of the Cidacos River in the town of Los Campos will be underlined, as well as the sauropod footprints that are located in the town.
Shepherds’ Museum, Oncala;
second annuity.
The former Shepherds' Museum will be renewed with 55,000€.
Exhibition Hall, Santa Cruz de Yanguas;
second annuity.
It is been planned to hold different activities related with the spread of the resources of the region. The Development Plan will contribute to it with 31,000€.
Museological Project;
first annuity.
The objective of this project is that every interpretation centre of the Highlands will have a common structure and image. The investment of this project is 8,932€.
Activities to raise awareness of the plan
Corporate image manual;
Tevery annuity.
Financiation of 12,000€ from 2007 to 2010.
In order to develop the trademark and the image of the Tourism Development Plan of the Highlands, a differencied element is required, to distinguish it from other plans and regions, as well as from other towns; and, which is also very important, a common element to the 14 towns and to the different environments of the region of the highlands. The region of the Highlands is divided in three areas (Alhama River Valley, Cidacos River Valley and Linares River Valley) made up of 14 towns, that is why the limited square has three colours, each for one area.
The typology used is a round lower case which makes the image kinder, closer to the public while playing with the contrast of two different types: one typed and the other hand-written. The word ‘Tierras’ (Lands) uses a typed typology ‘DIN’ that gives it a simplicity and harmony that, while playing with the word ‘ta’, creates a very clean, dynamic, personalized contrast and movement that gets a great strength and an inmediate memory in the person who is watching it. ‘ta’ uses a hand-written typography, bringing even closer and moving away the idea of ‘mechanism’ that is given by ‘typed’ letters. By combining both of them the contrast needed to highlight the ideas of close, modern, kind... is created. The joint gives an idea of positive concepts (by the symbol ‘ta’), it is modern (by the movement of the typography), it is clean and kind (by the symplicity of its contents) and it is wide (by its great representativity).
The choosen colours are very satured in order to highlight the image, as blue is the colour of the wide sky of the region. Black gives seriousness and cleanliness, as well as facility to contrast with other elements of the brand. The rest of the colours give a point of contrast and dynamization of the brand.
Website of the region;
first annuity.
The updating of the website wants to modernize its image and to make easier the access to the information to the site visitors. It has a budget of 3,596 €.
Attendance at INTUR 2007;
first annuity.
The attendance at this fair is considered one of the best showcases of the Tourist Product of the Highlands. Honey and hollywood tourist resources were shown in this edition of the fair.
The budget approved for this intervention rised to 9,561.07 €.
Eastern holiday package 2008;
first annuity.
1,379.55 € will financed the creation of tourism circuits in the Highlands.
Broadcasting of the “Paso del Fuego” (Walking over the fire); first annuity
1ª annuity.
Budget of 3,480€.
Its aim is to release, through Canal 4 TV, the broadcasting of the festivity Paso del Fuego (Walking over the fire) of San Pedro Manrique. It was live broadcasted the night of the 23rd of June, 2008.
Promotion EXPO;
first anuuity.
Budget: 800€.
The region of the Highlands was advertised in the offprint of the paper Heraldo de Sorio during the EXPO Zaragoza.
Autumn in the Highlands 2008 – 2009;
first and second annuity.
6,431.56€ for the first annuity and 19,260€ for the second one. The Autumn in the Highlands is a holiday package that wants to give out the seasonal nature of the tourism in the region and that offers a complet pack of tourist activities during the Autumn time.